Carina Nilsson
Principal, CEO, Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, Sweden.

Sandra Tichagwa
Vice Principal for e-Learning, Liwa International School.

Leo Dudin
Deputy Head (Academic), Oakham School.

Dr. Nauman Ahmad is a faculty at Centre for Preparatory Studies, Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman. He has participated in different esteemed international conferences as a panellist and given keynote speeches. His doctorate in computer science and informatics was awarded to him by the University of Huddersfield in the UK. His favourite field of study is designing pedagogical frameworks to facilitate vice chancellors in making effective decisions using visual digital dashboards, containing disability-inclusive education. He has also designed the framework for learner-centered, self-paced active learning strategies for learners, to improve and achieve the intended learning outcomes. His field of expertise also includes micro learning. He is a certified trainer (Train the Trainer); and has multiple other certifications. Dr. Nauman was awarded as a “distinguished teacher” and “distinguished researcher” by the Sultan Qaboos University. He also won awards for outstanding papers at conferences around the world; and was also given the “Ambassador of Pakistan’s Certificate for Academic Excellence” by the Pakistani ambassador in Oman. Dr. Nauman is also a prominent researcher in the fields of e-learning, m-learning, and requirements engineering. Furthermore, he has published papers in significant peer-reviewed journals and presented the research findings at prestigious international conferences. Additionally, he serves as an associate editor, reviewer, board member, and advisor to numerous journals and conference boards, providing editorial and review-based services to local and international communities.

Cat Scutt
Deputy CEO, Education and Research, Chartered College of Teaching.